Sunday, 18 December 2011

IAF Fellowship for PhD Students, USA

Inter-American Foundation Journal
Volume 31 of Grassroots Development, the journal of the Inter-American Foundation, included an article on the history of the IAF’s Fellowship Programs.  Volume 32 of Grassroots Development includes articles by two former Fellows.
Volume 31 - Fall 2010 (4.3 MB, PDF)
Volume 32 - Fall 2011 (5.2 MB, PDF)

Who is eligible?
Ph.D. candidates who are currently enrolled at a U.S. university and are citizens of the United States or of an independent country in Latin America or the Caribbean, except Cuba, may apply. Before beginning research funded under the IAF Fellowship, students must have advanced to candidacy for a Ph.D. in the social sciences, physical sciences, technical fields or other disciplines as related to grassroots development issues in Latin America or the Caribbean

Where are programs administered?
Fellowships provide support for field research in independent countries in Latin America or the Caribbean, except for Cuba. Proposals for field research in Puerto Rico or the Dutch, French and British territories are not accepted.

What is the Inter-American Foundation?
The Inter-American Foundation (IAF) was created in 1969 by the United States Congress to fund the self-help initiatives of the organized poor in Latin America and the Caribbean and the groups that directly support them. The IAF disseminates research findings of its Fellows to a broad audience concerned with development. The IIE has partnered with the IAF to administer its Grassroots Development Fellowship Program.

What is included?
Fellowship awards include a research allowance of up to $3,000; a $1,500 monthly stipend for a period from between four to 12 months, international round trip transportation to the research site, health insurance and attendance at a mandatory mid-year conference.

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